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The Company

We are committed to progress

As a specialist for complete wheels, SCHEDL Group is your international contact when it comes to reliable, high-quality, and comprehensive solutions. The satisfaction of our customers and our employees is our top priority. However, our corporate culture is also fundamentally characterised by environmental protection and continuous further development through knowledge acquisition and innovations.

About SCHEDL Group

SCHEDL Group has been the expert in complete wheel assembly for more than 30 years. We can count many renowned car manufacturers among our customers and do our best for them every day. In doing so, we are always aware of our responsibility. A complete wheel is a vehicle's only connection with the road. The safety of road users depends on high-quality and reliable components – and that is our area of expertise

Our history

Philosophy and sustainability at SCHEDL Group

We strive for permanent optimisation of performance and productivity in order to avoid waste of any kind. That requires satisfied and motivated employees – because only when all those components are in harmony can we also make our customers happy.

Employee satisfaction

The economic success of the SCHEDL Group is based on the work of motivated and responsible employees. That is why our top priority is to maintain the satisfaction of all employees. We are committed to a strong team spirit, fairness and the promotion of individual strengths.

Customers who trust us.


The SCHEDL Group has been a reliable partner in the automotive industry for a quarter of a century. Just like in road traffic, we never want to stand still. We want to develop and advance our competencies – for our employees, our customers, and for the environment.